Monday, December 20, 2010

walk cycle!

I think the final outcome is ok. I think the successful part of this project is the walking penguin. The thing that worked for this project was the frozen lake with the fishing penguin, that was my favorate part. the thing that was a little difficult was that the background would go by really fast. and to make it look more like he really is walking by the different things, instead of the objects and background also moving. If i did this prject again then i would make the background look more like a winter scene. I learned that the diiferent objects have to go by in different rates.

Monday, December 6, 2010

5 elements picture 5

in the pic the focus is the words.
I this this picture turned out ok. not the best of the 5.
I tried to make the letters stand out by making them bigger, brighter and run down
the whole picture. one thing i would change is make the letters a Little bigger.

5 elements pic 4

the focus in this pic is the texture.
I am happy with the outcome of this picture.
It had to try alot of things to get the texture green and stand out. i am happy
with how it turned out, compared to what it started out as. 

5 Elements pic 3

in this picture the brush is the focus.
I think this picture is successful because
how dark the actual picture is and the brightness of the brush.
one thing that i had trouble with is the texture. I was having trouble to get
them light enough that it did not take away from the brushes. one thing i may have
changed was the darkness of the actual picture. i could have make it a few shades lighter.

5 elements picture 2

the Focus in this piece is the ladybug.
I like the way this piece turned out.
this piece is successful because the lady bug is the
only color well bright color in this picture. there is some color
in the textured leaves but they are light, if you are not looking for it
the light green blends in with the black and white ones. 

5 Element picture

 the focus in the one is the picture its self.
on this piece i am pretty happy with the outcome.
the picture I took turned out better then i planned.
what worked about this project was the brush, it worked well
enough to just be subtle. I dont think anything did not work
for this picture. the only thing was to incorprate the words for this one.